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Tomorrow is your last day to get a VRDC Fall 2017 pass at the cheapest price!

VR enthusiasts, take note: Virtual Reality Developers Conference organizers want to let you know that the deadline to register early for VRDC Fall 2017 at the lowest possible price ends tomorrow, May 24th at 11:59 PM Pacific!

If you're thinking about attending, you should register now at a discounted rate to save up to $600!

This will be the second standalone VRDC, following the strikingly successful debut of VRDC as a sibling conference to GDC 2016 and its evolution into a standalone show.

After selling out of tickets for the first three events, VRDC Fall 2017 will offer more sessions, moving to a bigger location at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA September 21-22.

When you register you'll be securing access to a very special two‐day event that will bring together experts from multiple industries to share best practices, demo new technology, create new business partnerships, and exchange ideas with innovators shaping the industry.

VRDC Fall covers VR, AR, and MR innovation across all industries (setting it apart from VRDC@GDC, which focuses exclusively on games and entertainment) with previous sessions covering applications for healthcare,  training, retail & events, data visualization, documentaries, brand storytelling, and more.

For example, in their VRDC Fall 2017 Innovation track talk on "UX in Google Earth VR", Google UX lead Adam Glazier and Google engineers Nadav Ashkenazi and Per Karlsson will discuss the work of building an interface that allows you to virtually circumnavigate the globe by flying, dragging, rotating, teleporting and searching.

Mike Booth, who currently works on social VR at Facebook and has a long career in games (founding Turtle Rock Studios and working at companies like Valve, Electronic Arts and Blizzard), will also be there to deliver a cutting-edge talk on "Creating Social Experiences in VR."

Also, don't miss the intriguing VRDC Fall 2017 talk on "Virtual Reality for Treatment of Phobias." It's also part of the Innovation track of talks, and will be presented by Dr. Jennifer Hazel -- a psychiatric specialist who directs the nonprofit CheckPoint Organization in Australia.

CheckPoints works to connect mental health resources with video games and other technologies, and in her presentation Dr. Hazel will dig into how and why VR can be used in phobia treatment. She'll discuss the history of VR use in exposure therapy and discuss the current understanding of what makes a VR experience effective for phobia treatment from a psychological, physiological and technical point of view.

Plus, VRDC attendees can check out the "How to Be a Successful VR Game Studio" talk from Playful Corp. founder and chief Paul Bettner. It's part of the conference's popular Games & Entertainment track of talks, and it's well worth seeing because Playful has proven to be one of the enduring successes of the modern VR industry, having broken ground early on with the Oculus Rift launch game Lucky's Tale.

So don't miss it! Head over to the VRDC website now and register to attend the conference, which will feature a plethora of great VR/AR talks spanning games, entertainment, and beyond into subjects such as healthcare, journalism, travel, manufacturing, retail, live events, real estate, training, and so much more.

For more information on VRDC Fall 2017, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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