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Attend VRDC Fall 2017 and get expert insight into VR monetization!

Organizers of the Virtual Reality Developers Conference are working hard to prepare for VRDC Fall 2017, and today they want to quickly let you know about two great sessions taking place at the event, which is happening September 21-22 at a bigger, better venue in San Francisco!

Notably, Google's own Michael Almeraris will be at VRDC Fall 2017 to share some cutting-edge insights into the business of promoting and monetizing mobile VR games and experiences.

His talk on "Mobile VR Discovery and Monetization: Lessons from Daydream" will offer a frank breakdown of best practices in mobile VR platform discovery and the various types of monetization strategies the Google Daydream team has seen among the 130+ apps that have launched on Daydream.

Almeraris works as Google's Global VR/AR Gaming and Store Lead, so he's in a great position to tell mobile VR/AR devs what they need to know about finding success in the marketplace. Don't miss it!

And while you're at the show, make time to check out the "OpenXR News: Converging on a Widely Accepted VR API Standard" panel to get a sense of what the future of VR standardization could be.

Of course, the Khronos Group (creators of OpenGL) launched the OpenXR working group at GDC 2017 earlier this year with the goal of creating a VR/AR standard. This VRDC Fall 2017 panel comprised of OpenXR working group experts from Epic, Google, Sensics and Valve will provide new updates on the goals, content and status of this critical standards effort, which is of import to everyone working (or thinking of working) in the VR industry.

And of course, VRDC Fall 2017 organizers look forward to announcing many more talks for the event in the weeks to come. Don't forget to register early at a discounted rate!

Since tickets sold out for the first three VRDC events, VRDC Fall 2017 will offer more sessions and move to a bigger location at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA September 21-22.

For more information on VRDC Fall 2017, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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